《風的邊界》The Edges of the Wind
藝術家 李蕢至 Lee Kuei Chih
作品處於多重疆界之間: 海域與陸界的生態領域疆界,人與自然對話的疆界,潮汐日夜漲退的疆界,還有戰爭與和平的疆界。作品雕塑無形的風,數道弧狀造型,順著岸邊風向,下方立柱有如澎湖通樑古榕的旺盛生命力,其下懸吊的貝殼,隨海風盪出清脆的聲響,猶如一道道風浪凝結,回應自然景觀與文化紋理。
This artwork is located between many boundaries and edges – between the ocean and land ecosystems, between humans and nature, between high tide and low tide, and even between war and peace. This artwork is a sculpture of the invisible wind into curved shapes along the direction in which the wind blows along the coast. Erected on pillars full of vitality like Penghu’s Tongliang Great Banyan with strings of shells hanging underneath, chiming their crisp sounds as the wind blows in wave after wave in response to nature’s landscape and cultural patterns.